
It’s not so hard to remember that in the background of our lives is digital transformation. How we can take more advantage of its advantages in less time becomes a quality of life generator.

Productivity without sustainability is a metric of more industrial ages. Combining the two in the interests of doing more, more often, at less expense is still something more art than science. The faster we can bring models to support our interests gets to the vanishing point where productivity and sustainability are each one and the same.

Behavior models would suggest we are a long way from making that kind of a point. One path to getting at that perspective as soon as might be possible is through the development of composable edge solutions. We all have edges, and we are all on some. Whererver we look, go, or study, we find the potential for edges to lead to experiences and insights we otherwise would not have had. Imagine, for instance, having the wonder of a child and the depth of perception of an elder, simultaneously.

The domain of the composable is now being pressed in many markets and segments. All as good as the good they can generate. What the idea consists of is the co-generation of innovation from the confluence of knowledge and standing on, near, above, below, or at an edge of understanding.

It’s one thing to say you don’t have understanding of something that might, in other times or places have warranted its careful curation. Now, we can curate through automation, and it might well be a first for us all to think that way. The work here tries to support that with each contribution.